
Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Today i dream of my teeth suddenly drops out..
i can feel the tingling sensation during the dream..
but is gone when i woke up from the dream..
its kinda scary thou cos i hate my teeth fall out & also dislike going to the dentist >_<

so i went to google out what does my dream means & it really have it..
this post is gonna be long but dont fall asleep..
its super interesting & i swear it's kinda true in the sense of what i'm going through recently..
here it goes..

Dream Meanings of Teeth Falling Out

Let’s start by looking at one of the most common question: What does it mean when you dream about your teeth falling out? You’ll find that this symbol has both negative and positive meanings that can inform your interpretation.
Negative meanings
  • Insecurities, especially about a personal loss
  • Anxiety about sexual experience
  • A compromise that is costly to you
  • Life changes and “growing pains”
  • Fear of becoming older
Positive meanings
  • Signs of personal expansion
  • Wish or need to nurture yourself more carefully
  • An invitation to explore feelings of loss and personal growth
  • A call to look at your support system
  • The Jungian interpretation: Times of renewal and “rebirth”

What does my dream about teeth falling out means?

In a dream about teeth falling out, something undesirable or frightening usually happens to the dreamer’s teeth. Variants of that dream are having a tooth or all your teeth fall out, losing your teeth or having a tooth pulled out.

Dream Interpretation #1: Teeth falling out in dreams symbolize insecurities

Dream analysts often associate the imagery of teeth falling out with the idea of loss and important life changes. This symbol points to feelings of insecurity or vulnerability regarding a recent event that disrupted your life.
For instance, you could have this type of dream as you are moving, changing jobs, ending a relationship or starting a new one, taking on new responsibilities in your life, etc. These are important life changes that may be reflected in your dream as a traumatic or scary event such as seeing your teeth fall out.
Note that if a lot of teeth are falling out in your dream, keep in mind that the quantity or intensity of the pain or horror felt while you were dreaming is proportional to the cost associated with a compromise you’re making or an emotion you’re feeling in your waking life.
The intensity of the dream is an indicator of the level of fear or anxiety you may be feeling in your waking life regarding a recent event or issue you’re currently dealing with.

Dream interpretation #2: Costly compromises

Dreams about teeth falling out could represent the cost of making a compromise that is not satisfying or is bringing your life out of balance. We tend to have this type of dream when we are confronted with decisions to make, but feel we have limited options available. The dream imagery illustrates the risk making a decision that could come at a personal cost to you.
For instance, you may have disillusions about your career path or school work, be stuck in a job you do not really like, or feel ambivalent about a relationship or decision you’ve made recently. Your dream would point to feelings of ambivalence or the sensitive nature of that situation in your life.

Dream interpretation #3: Lack of willingness to make a choice

Teeth falling out in a dream could signify that you are or were recently facing a dilemma in your life. It points out the cost of a decision, but it could also bring light to the price of inaction or lack of willingness to make a choice.
Such dream generally indicates that you may be feeling like you lost your ability to “chew on things” or digest information or an event. This symbolism could draw your attention to important matters that you may be unaware of at the moment.

Dream interpretation #4: Fear of aging and concerns with self-image

A common dream interpretation for teeth falling out sees this symbol as a representation of the fear of aging or becoming less efficient or productive. In other words, it would point to the loss of your means to fully bite into life, to break down what life brings you.
This type of anxiety dream remind us of issues we may have in our waking life about self-esteem, decision-making, and assertiveness. The overall tone and atmosphere of the dream can point to positive or negative meanings. For example, dreaming about having bad teeth could be a call to examine the way you show or assert yourself in life, whether it’s at work or in personal relationships.

Dream interpretation #5: Freud’s perspective

According to the classical Freudian interpretation, teeth falling in dreams are considered symbols of castration and fear regarding the male genitalia. For men as well as women, such dreams could relate to anxiety about sexuality or sexual interaction with a partner.
Beyond this literal sexual and psychoanalytical analysis, this symbol can be interpreted as a representation of the fear of being deprived of your personal power. As an extension, common interpretations revolve around the idea of powerlessness, aggression, and concern about your safety.

Let’s Look at Positive Dream Meanings!

Analyzing your dream is like looking at the two sides of a coin: For each seemingly negative meaning, you can uncover a positive explanation that can help you understand the constructive message conveyed in your sleep.

Dream meaning #1: Teeth falling out in dreams & signs of personal expansion

A modern perspective emphasizes teeth as symbol of the process of growing up, expanding and developing yourself. A tooth falling out during childhood is often first time we experience the loss of something that is a part of us. It also represent a time when we get tangible signs that we are growing up out of childhood and transitioning into a new phase of our life.
In dreams, this symbol represents the passage from one situation or one order to another. Dreaming that your teeth fall out could therefore signal that you are in the process of changing, growing out of the old into the new.
While you are in the midst of change, the process may feel like you are loosing something or leaving a familiar environment or habit and jumping into the unknown or the unfamiliarity of a new place, job, relationship or way of doing and seeing things. As with any major change in ones’ life, this might be disturbing or even scary or painful – just like when something happens to your teeth. Transition times can also be seen as periods of discovery and personal growth.
Dream Interpretation Tip: Dreaming of teeth falling out may be a reminder that something similar is happening in your present life. When you have such a dream, be sensitive to your own development, how you’re growing through experiences or challenges, or pushing beyond your usual limits to discover new territories or ways of doing things.

Dream meaning #2: A secret wish to be nurtured

Conventional psycho-analysts provide an additional perspective by arguing that dreaming of teeth falling out indicates an unconscious desire to regress at early stages of childhood when we were toothless and nourished by the mother.
A brief explanation of that interpretation: During early childhood, we did not have to deal with difficult decisions and constant adjustments to make to deal with reality. Dreaming of teeth falling out is therefore likely to come up when one is struggling with problems or difficulties that seem insurmountable or when you’re facing challenging decisions.
It’s also an indication that you’re facing a period of potential growth that could turn out positive if you pay attention to the delicate balance between your needs and the requirements of the moment.

Dream meaning #3: An invitation to look at loss and growth periods

Losing teeth when you were a child was probably the first time you experienced the loss of something that was so close to you it was literally part of you. As you dream that your teeth are fall out, your unconscious is using images that play on similar feelings. This symbolic imagery suggests that you are dealing with an event or situation in your life that prompts you to deal with change and find support wherever you can.
When this symbol shows up in your dreams, it may point to the need to take care of yourself while you’re undergoing radical changes in your life. It may be an indication that you’re in the process of growing, discovering and developing aspects of yourself that were previously hidden or neglected.
Be sure to acknowledge that you need to take it easy on you, perhaps take some rest and give yourself the support you need to accomplish the task at hand or challenge the obstacles that are on your way.

Dream meaning #4: Symbols of strength and self-esteem

A traditional interpretation consists in seeing teeth as symbols of personal power or self-esteem. A number of common idiomatic expressions evoke the relationship between teeth and the capacity to find your own edge or to live life at its fullest.
If the dream contains some tension or violence, the teeth images could be interpreted as a symbol of aggressiveness and personal strength – or lack thereof depending on whether the dream scenario is positive or negative. Look at how you are using your instincts and primal drives such as fear, sexual desire, or desire to take control or dominate in your waking life.
On one side, you may be in the process of gaining more control over your environment or others, rising your level of confidence in a business environment or a relationship for instance. On the other side, the teeth in your dream may reveal tension or conflicting feelings regarding your personal power or ability to succeed.

Dream meaning #5: Psychologist C. G. Jung and symbols of rebirth

For Jung, one of the most influential psychologist and dream analyst of the 20th century, having a tooth or teeth fall out in a dream symbolizes giving birth to something new. According to him, this is especially relevant if the dreamer is a woman, but the symbolism could be applied to anyone’s dream.
Dreaming of having your fall out reflects the tension and sometimes painful process that comes with starting or creating something new whether it’s a project, personal resolution, decision or responsibility. It usually connects to emotions you may be experiencing currently as you are going through changes or important shifts in your life, such as changing jobs, home, ending or starting a relationship or simply going through a period of significant personal growth. IN any case, it may feel like you’re ending something and starting something new.

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