So, this is my so called 2nd time in Taiwan as the 1st time I'm here is when I'm in secondary 3. I came to Taiwan with my school for a Chinese exchange program. The experience was short but great! :) We stayed at a mini farm resort & Taipei tour for the last 2 days I guess. Enough of the last visit.
Now, I'm traveling to Taipei with my boyfriend! So happy & relieve & excited! Because my last short vacation was like April I guess or march..I can't remember. >_< *sorry* Ok~ back to today. Our flight is at 0055hrs. We went to the airport around 2130hrs as we missed our flight once to Bangkok (Lesson learnt). Heh~
So once we arrived to the airport, we quickly checked ourselves in & headed into the departure hall & wait outside for our gate to open. Since we're super early for our flight, we went to chill at Starbucks.

& that's when my phone started to die on me. -_- yea~ life of an iPhone user..hahaha!! >_< so, I went crazy for USB/charger. Finally I get to charge my phone. Heh~ (my "life" saver)

Then it's 2345hrs, we get into the waiting area where people get to wait to board the plane! Means we're getting closer to Taipei!! Yayyyy~

Finally!!! We're on the plane! Our "shag" face but still looks pretty on photo~ teehee~

So, throughout the 4½ hour, we were sleeping. & truthfully speaking, this is my very first time traveling to a country which is 4½ hour ride. Because the only country I travelled is Thailand aka Bangkok which is only 1-2 hour ride. Heh~
That's all for now!
See you guys in abit!
To be continue~
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