& today is the end of our vacation but, our memories here stays forever~ ^-^
i really enjoyed myself with love this 6 days & indeed, we promise to do more next time. ^-^
Checked out from our room at 12:00pm & our flight is at 7:00pm >__<
Since we have so much time, we decided to hang around at our mini candy bar..
but we're kinda tired as we slept quite late because of the packing the day before..heh~
wanted to extend our check out time so we could sleep but boyfie dont want..oh wells..

Lepak-ing at the mini bar..haha~
Decided to head out for brunch since it's pointless staying at the lobby..
We went to the 7-11 below the hotel to get our brunch..
Bought lobster salad rice ball & hotdog to fill our tummy..
Have been eating that almost every morning cos that's the nicest food to eat in Taipei 7-11 & you can't find any in Singapore..& i love taiwan 7-11 is that, there's seats in the store for you to have your food in..how cool!
After we had our brunch, we decided to go starbucks & i was sooo soo excited upon seeing the starbucks cos, it is in a building by itself!!! AHHHHHHH!!! Whole building is Starbucks! OMGGGG~
Plus the building is cosy inside with such friendly people serving you :)

Our dessert & drinks :D Guess what, all this only cost NTD$390/SGD$17..How CHEAP!!! i can die! LOL~
Pet shop opposite our hotel opens 24 hours..where can you find in Singapore!!! No way~
Finally it's 4 plus in the afternoon, it's time to head to the airport..
At the expressway~
Taipei sky..so beautiful..
Camwhore-ing on the cabby :) hahaha~
& my iphone decided to die on me..T-T
when i reach the aiport i was like "omg! find me a plug!!" hahahhaa~
& guess what i found, PLUGS!!!! Hell yeah! i LOVE the airport!! HAHAHAHHA~
Now, the airport have power plugs for USB as well..i was mad happy :D
Hainanese chicken rice for dinner before we go on board so we won't go hungry during the 4 hour flight..but we'll definitely buy food on plane as well..LOL..
Our boarding pass..
After the immigration..we're halfway to home..& we saw this toilet sign..SUPER CUTE CAN!!! hahahha~
the ladies got a bow & the male got a tie..i wish Singapore have that too..haha..
Hello Kitty store..not really a fan of Hello Kitty but the bow is cute :)
It is located in the airport towards Gate A1 area :D
haha~ camwhore..
On our way to the boarding gate..
What is wrong? hahaha!!
Finally on board back to Singapore~ Oh..i miss taipei already..:/
Night sky captured on the plane..the moon is super bright~
Good bye Taipei..See you in the near future..^-^
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