i feel like..
Expectation :
Reality :
so yeap..had group meeting today..
hmm..didnt really do anything today & was kinda annoyed cos i slept alil late yst due to work and need to wake up for presentation meeting at 11.30am..
i was tired but need to do assignment & group work was never a thing for me, cos i despise how some people is not co-operative and all..
Thus, ended up i did most of the work..
but, this is opposite..cos i did nothing..-_-
anyways, i went for the meeting for nothing..-_-
after that, i went straight to boyfriend's house..
saw baby's sleeping like a log so didnt disturb his beauty sleep..
so chatted with his sister & his sister showed me loads of their family photos & tell me about the places that they've went like Bintan, Krabi etc..
when baby's awake, he dont even know i'm at his house..-_-
silly boy..guess he's really tired..LOL
i kissed him on his cheek when i reached his place & he dont even remember..-_-
haha!! silly~
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