had marketing exam today..
wanna wake up at 7am today but in the end delayed..
wake up at 9am instead..
awaken by the construction outside..
not so loud compared to last sat..
have my breakfast..
then headed to school for last min revision..
okay i know last min revision is bad..
but at least i rmbered everything..hahas..
but not all..*argh*
*guessed theres some problem with my brain cells..-_-*
reached school ard 10am ++..
went straight to the library to study..:D
then have my lunch ard 1pm++..
then exam starts at 3.45pm..
thank God that the essays that i've studied came out..:)) *hees*
i hope thou will not score as good but at least let me get a 'D', i'm contented..:D
after my exam, went to dear's school to look for him..:)
miss him much much..until i cannot tolerate..
so yeap..heh..
thou he's busy doing his work, i still want to see him..>_<
glad that he's not unhappy that i keep looking for him..*heh*
went to AMK hub to have our dinner at Ichiban..:D
have cravings for sushi after i've been working at sushi tei..*die*
is like i've been eating sushi for like almost 4 times a week..-_-
& not getting sick of eating it..weird uh..
after dinner, went to get KOI..:D
then hang-ed ard the mall..
took circle line..
train-ed to paya lebar interchange..
hang-ed ard the station until 10pm then go home..
dear's having progress check on this work tmr so dont wanna take up his time to do his stuff..
then home sweet home..:D
misses dear alr..
& i love him loads..<3 why?
no guy would bend down & tie my shoe laces for me in my whole entire life other den my mom until i met my bf..*smiles* :')
no guy would care & protect me like my bf..
no guy would get worried abt me like my bf..
no guy would get panicked when i did not reply his textes like my bf..
no guy would get mad at me for keep saying that i've disturbed him like my bf..
no guy would crack up a random joke that would make me laugh like a fool other than my bf..
no guy would solve internet problems for me other than my bf..:)
no guy would hold my hands tightly & never let go like my bf..
no guy would hug me like my bf..
no guy would stand up for me like my bf..
& no guy would love me like my bf..<3
that is why i <3 my boyfriend..:D
he used to be the guy whom i hate but now..he was just kind of my perfect guy..>v< *hees*
thou we just started dating..
& everything is going well & sweet just like other r/s is, but we do not know what our future will be like..thus i'll cherish whatever i have now & prepare for the future..:)