so, the night before i was like :
yea..stressing out..
trying to keep all the notes i had memorise the whole two weeks in my head..>_<
keep repeating & reading the notes to make sure i got all the points and i'm glad that my boyfee is there beside me all this while..:)
feels very touched..i'm really grateful that i've such a nice & friendly boyfee..^-^
even if i'm tired, i had a hard time sleeping as well cos i'm too afraid that when i fall asleep,
i'd forget every single thing the next day when i wakes up..
so yesterday night, i'm looking like this for half of the night..
The next morning, once i woke up, i feel like this :
Then after the paper, when i walk out of the room, i was like :
felt so relieved that it's finally over!!!
everything is okay..
but i'm so uncertain of the answers that i wrote..>_<
so i took out my notes and look through it..
and to my horror i feel like :
yea.. in an incredibly pissy mood...argh!!
i wrote the answers the other way round!!! arghhhh!!
i feel sooooo sooo sooooo disappointed in myself..
the whole journey back home i was like :
told baby about how disappointed i was & he didnt scold me or what, he just said that the paper is over already & i did my very best..and he even encouraged me..
but in the inside i'd still feel sad :
but..just like what he says, its what i can do is to wait and have faith that i'll pass!! :)
cos he believed that i would :D
and that really encouraged me alot..^-^
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