bestie invited me to her mini family christmas gathering..^-^
was late cos i met buddy before that for lunch..
ate ice cream, chatted..
had a great time spent with her..:DDD
appreciated that bestie invited me to her house..:DD
had a great time there..
the food, the ambience, the family..
the laughter & chatters of the people, the christmas mood..^-^
the food was great!! :DD
ham, turkey, the soup, salad, macaroni..^-^
after dinner some played wii while nicolette, kay (her friend) & me went to her room and did our pedicure & menicure..haha!!!
kay love to paint nails so she helped nicolette & me to paint our nails..haha
kay love to paint nails so she helped nicolette & me to paint our nails..haha
took some photos & of course not forgetting her boy..HAHAHA!!!

Me, Kay & Nicolette..:DD

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