went to meet my boy..^-^ hees..
didnt expect to have someone to celebrate Christmas with..
but the weather sucks..>_< it rained..
yea on Christmas..>_< WHYYYYY!??!?!??!
am super happy to meet him can..:DD hees..
we're both hungry..>_<
shops & restuarants starts to close..& it's raining outside..
we have no where to go..
but luckily i brought my umbrella along..^-^
wanted to take bus to suntec city there but too many people..
so, our last resort is to use the umbrella & get ourselves half wet..-_-
but it's quite romantic though..HAHAHAAHAHA!!! *shy*
i remembered my first date at the zoo..
it rained too..
but this time, the one who holds me and the umbrella is a different person..
then, i realized my memories of me & my ex started to fade..
i dont even remember how my ex held me that day at the zoo cos i dont think i even hug my ex..
only putting my hand around his arm i guess..
cos my ex likes it that way..
but as for him, he hold me at my shoulders bringing me close to him under my small & flimsy umbrella..
it felt so..real.:))
then, i don't know i felt safe, & i just smiled under my breath..
without him knowing cos i don't want to think i'm a prevert or something..HAHA!!! >_<
he brought me to a open space "hawker" and eat..
i forgot what's the name but it's beside a club..
it's my first time not eating in a restaurant for this month..heh
cos i don't really like eating in a super hot & warm hawker center..>_<
but this is different as it's raining..
ate hokkien noodles ( bascially prawn noodles ), while he ate carrot cake with oyster.
he ordered mussles also and satay after that..
yea lots of food uh..yes..A LOT!!!
and that's our supper..Opps >_<
yes..to me, supper = FAT!!!! >_<
but for him, i'm okay with it..
maybe try not to eat too much the next day..
gave him his Christmas present then cabbed home..^-^
had a great Christmas this year..^-^
hopefully i can also have my Christmas with him next year again..^-^
but yeap..
more hopes = more disappointments..
so we'll wait & see..^-^