meet dear today right after school dismiss..
cant wait to see him..:D haha..
meet dear at Douby ghaut..
watched Mr Popper's Penguins..
its a nice movie..:D
some parts are quite funny..
wanted to watch kungfu panda 2 but on that day dont have..
so yeap..
after movie, walked to raffles place to get dear's pay..
then head to KFC to have our lunch..:D
after that dear showed me a shortcut to my workplace..
headed back to the MRT then walked to esplanade..
then to marina bay sand..
meet mei & her bf at 7.00pm..
rested at the bench..
took photos, played, chatted etc..
then we headed to the Singapore flyer & grab a small bite..
after that we went and chill at the side of a small "sea" or sth.. reservoir??
we left thr at 10pm..
headed back to the train station..
then home sweet home..:D
had a great day today wif dear, mei & ah bao..:D
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