it have been sooooo long i last seen her..
misses her sooooo much..
& get to meet her today..:D
i'm soooo happy..hahas
ate japanese grill for lunch..
den shopped ard at vivo city..:D
bought myself a new swimming suit & pooh..:D
weeee..i'm a happy girl..:D hahas..
then after shopping, we bought coffee & went to the open space & chill..
had a long time chatting abt everything & anything..:D
i just love to be with her and she love to be with me..:))
we appreciate each other & are there to make each other happy..:)
this is what i just need from human..just one thing..
to be appreciated..
overall had a great time with bestie today..:D
letter 11 - a deceased person you wish you could talk to..

this will be a short letter..
dear ...............,
i've always want to ask you why do you leave just like that?
for all these years, i've been living in loneliness..
we just want you to know that we LOVE you & we MISSES you always..
watch over us..:'(
u're always on our mind.. ❤ rolinda
yup tats all..really short uh..sigh..
keep up on the next letter..
letter 12 - the person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain..
good night all..:)
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