finally have the time to blog..:D
yes like finally~haha
oh ya..
& note to all blogwalkers & my frens~
thanks for dropping by to read my blog..
please do me a favour by clicking on my nuffang ads..:D
if you have one, kindly leave ur blog links at my chat box & i'll click urs too..:D
thanks a million..:D
so basically last week was a hetic week for me cos i've been working for the whole week..
yes whole week..from morning till night..
is like super lethargic can..
but i had fun while working at suntec..
its really a great experience..:)
on the 13 of feb,sunday~
worked at suntec cos theres a exhibition going on..
its a "slacking" job so its quite okay but its boring..
so brought along sudoku & magazine to kill time..
on the 14 of feb,monday~

its valentines day & i'm working there alone..
sigh~yeah pathetic right..
super pathetic..hahas..
anyways also enjoyed myself on valentines day~
many good things happened..
like the old uncle told me to go down & buy lunch while he takes care of the counter for me..
so i hurried my way down to buy chicken rice..
then the chicken rice uncle gave me a discount..usual price is $6.50 but he charged me only $4.50..hees~*happy*
then went back up & enjoyed my lunch..:D
after work, i went to clementi mall hoping theres soya milk left for me but theres no more but the auntie said theres beancurd instead so i said okay..
then when she opened up the lid, only left alil..
so she said the beancurd is free..:)
i wanted to pay her cos i felt paiseh for not paying..
then she said if the container is not fully filled they cannot collect money..
so yup..had free beancurd home..:D
what a great valentines day..
15th feb,tuesday..
worked at sho teppan..
full day~
full day~
& was told tat the 2 indian dishwasher man was fired..
& we're washing all the dishes & pans ourselves..
& we're washing all the dishes & pans ourselves..
i was shocked upon hearing tat..
which means going home @ 10plus..
& no extra money..
so i've no choice but to help my manager to wash..
it was a super tiring job to do cos is like having 2 ppl to wash 100++ of plates & cups & tons of pans..
it was a super tiring job to do cos is like having 2 ppl to wash 100++ of plates & cups & tons of pans..
this is the most dishes i've ever wash in my life man~
but i have a great manager tat is willing to stay back and wash the dishes & get herself wet..:)
16th feb,wednesday..
met bestie to go to work..:D
working @ suntec and had loads of fun..:D
cam-whore-ing & all the gossiping & chatting & everything..
shes such a awesome bestie to me..:)
17th, 18th feb..thursday & friday..
17th, 18th feb..thursday & friday..
worked @ sho teppan..
as usual..
have to stay back & wash dishes..
but on friday theres this customer's birthday..
my manager suddenly want me to sing birthday song with her to the customer in the mist of the busy-ness..
super akward can!! lol..
and i'm not a like hyper person so like..i'm super paiseh luh..
lol..anyways its akward..hahas~
19th & 20th feb..sat & sunday..

worked with bestie again on the 19th of feb..
thou its only for a day but we enjoyed much..:)
we went shopping while having breaks too..:)
super fun luh..hahas
thou working is tiring for me last week but i enjoyed myself..:D
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