1. If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Hmm..i dont really know thou cos i've met those i wanna meet ^-^
2. What do you think about most?
Work, School, Money..
3. Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
With clothes ^-^
4. If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Wandering around?
5. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Never. Unless i have my own private pool, maybe i'd love to try..HAHAHA!!
6. How do you vent your anger?
Blast music on my ipod while running..
7. Do you have a collection of anything?
Baby pooh stuffs ^-^
8. Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Erm..i do believe in ghosts but i dont believe they exist. Aliens, nope.
9. What was the last book you read?
Erm. a book on chocolate dessert. ^-^
10. Do you have any nicknames?
Loads of em. Rollie pollie, Rollie, Rol, Rolly, Linda, Mun Mun.
11. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
Injured my knee when i was in primary 2 or 3 i guess..i can't really walk properly thou. Cos it hurts damn bad..heh~
12. What was the last film you saw?
13. Do you have any obsessions right now?
YES! Dress & Heels ^-^
14. What’s the last thing you purchased?
A $12 red top for upcoming Chinese New Year ^0^
15. In a relationship?
Yes YES Yes!!! :DDD
16. How many relationships have you had?
This is the first, the only & the last one ^-^
17. What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
It's a secret ^-^ hees~
18. What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Leave those who left ^-^
19. What is your favorite word?
Pink! hahaha~
20. Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?
Rainbow. Except for those dark & dull colours.
21. What is your current desktop picture?
Photo of baby & me! At the USS with the 4 main animals from Madagascar ^-^
22. You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
None. I have my guy to cuddle with already ^-^ haha!
23. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
OMG! Paris ^-^
24. Have you ever thrown up in the car?
I don't think so.
25. Ever been on a plane?
26. What’s your strangest talent?
Erm, being cute? LOL! I haven't found any yet.
27. What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
Greatest weakness : Too kind to people, soft-hearted.
Greatest strength : Loyal, Kind.
28. One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
OMG! Freak out, grab my ipod beside me & pretend that i'm sleeping.
29. You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
Mind-reading ^-^
30. You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
Being with my mom.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
so excited for a job interview today as i'm chosen for this tuition center & its my very first interview..
arrived there early..
was feeling super nervous during the whole process..
but i know i did my best in answering all the questions..
just that i hate myself for screwing the interview! >_< argh!
i shouldn't have been too honest by saying 'i can't' at everything that he mentioned..T^T
i hate myself for being so honest.>_<
but still, i like my honesty because i hate to lie..
so i guess it's a good & bad thing. sigh~
waited for baby to call me as usual.
told him about the interview & cried..
i apologized for screwing it up & he encouraged me.
then i told him that this was my first he was like "no wonder! lol.."
he told me that not every interviews that i go will be a successful one. If one fail, go for another one.
he told me not to give up & cheer for me that he'll always be there for me. :')
baby's words never fail to warm my little heart at times & it made me feel stronger instead.
I'm grateful & blessed to have him as my boyf because i can find no other like him. ^-^
Not forgetting my xiaomei!!! haha~ without them, i dont know how to face the world myself.
&& i guess my mei is recovering..
SO if you got read my blog, i wanna you know that, I LOVE YOU & YOU'RE ALWAYS APPRECIATED ^-^ hees~ xie xie ni! <3 p="">
arrived there early..
was feeling super nervous during the whole process..
but i know i did my best in answering all the questions..
just that i hate myself for screwing the interview! >_< argh!
i shouldn't have been too honest by saying 'i can't' at everything that he mentioned..T^T
i hate myself for being so honest.>_<
but still, i like my honesty because i hate to lie..
so i guess it's a good & bad thing. sigh~
waited for baby to call me as usual.
told him about the interview & cried..
i apologized for screwing it up & he encouraged me.
then i told him that this was my first he was like "no wonder! lol.."
he told me that not every interviews that i go will be a successful one. If one fail, go for another one.
he told me not to give up & cheer for me that he'll always be there for me. :')
baby's words never fail to warm my little heart at times & it made me feel stronger instead.
I'm grateful & blessed to have him as my boyf because i can find no other like him. ^-^
Not forgetting my xiaomei!!! haha~ without them, i dont know how to face the world myself.
&& i guess my mei is recovering..
SO if you got read my blog, i wanna you know that, I LOVE YOU & YOU'RE ALWAYS APPRECIATED ^-^ hees~ xie xie ni! <3 p="">
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Janessa baby shower~
went to baby's friend's cousin's baby shower today..haha!
kinda complicated uh..yea..
my boyf is popular among the elders..hahaha!! they all loved him cos he's a nice man..teehee ^-^
as a gf, i'm super proud to have him too ^-^
haha anyways, had a good time at the chalet..
cabbed to baby's camp before i head home..
tired day~
Saturday, January 19, 2013
A Numbered Survey~
0: Height
34: What I find attractive in women
Their curvy figure..woooooo~ LOL
35: What I find attractive in men
Their personalities / characteristics.
36: Where I would like to live
In tampanies with boyf.♥
37: One of my insecurities
The way i look. But i'm learning to accept myself & love myself more so baby can love me more too ^-^
38: My childhood career choice
CID, Lawer, LOL that was unrealistic thou.. hahahh.
39: My favourite ice cream flavour
40: Who I wish I could be
A princess maybe? haha
41: Where I want to be right now
With boyf♥
42: The last thing I ate
Porridge ^-^
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
Hyuna. Gosh love her body, her cuteness..LOL!! ( Got addicted by boyf )
44: A random fact about anything
149cm ( i usually round it up myself to 150cm..haha )
1: Age
2: Shoe size
35/36 or 3 ( i know my feet is freaking small..>_< )
3: Do you smoke?
Nope. (:
4: Do you drink?
Yeap :D
5: Do you take drugs?
Never will.
6: Age you get mistaken for
Either 13 or 16.I guess because i look kinda kiddish..>_<
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
I used to,but it's painful so I changed my mind.
9: Got any piercings?
Yup! 5 in total. 3 on my left ear, 2 on my right ear ^-^
10: Want any piercings?
Maybe, on my belly button hahahh. Only if my tummy is flat..>_<
11: Best friend?
Boyf♥ and Nicolette.
12: Relationship status
Proud to be in a relationship with my boy (;
13: Biggest turn ons
When he's cuddling me heehee.
14: Biggest turn offs
Baggy & ungly t-shirt, unkempt.
15: Favourite movie
16: I’ll love you if...
you love me back (:
17: Someone you miss
Boyf, always♥
18: Most traumatic experience
Had high fever up to 40 Celsius degree due to tonsillitis which made me had to rush to the hospital in the middle of the night then staying back with 5 bags of drips on my left hand while my right hand & arm is being poked to get blood for blood test. >_<
19: A fact about your personality
I'm crazy if you know me. ^-^ hees~
20: What I hate most about myself
Having low self-esteem. :/ but i believe that i will improve ^-^
21: What I love most about myself
I'm kind, & loving to people & wants to befriend with them because i know how it feels like to be lonely.
22: What I want to be when I get older
Boss of my hotel / Hotel Manager.
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
Good. ^-^ I love my brother♥
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
Okay. (: I love them no matter what.♥
25: My idea of a perfect date
As long as i'm with the one i'm dating now. hees~ (;
26: My biggest pet peeves
Unkempt, ill-mannered, people who cheats (feelings), liars.
27: A description of thegirl/boy I like
Everything in the guy that i'm dating now♥ He's just the one that i dreamed of.
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
Love freebies, liar, thinks that he is the most good looking boy in the world but actually he's not, live on you.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
I don't really lie.
30: What I hate the most aboutwork/school
Having to listen to the same lecture for the 3rd time & taking the same exam for the 5th times.
31: What my last text message says
LOL okay! You give me money..I no money..HAHA. Good night! ♥ (texting my bro)
32: What words upset me the most
'Never mind'
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
'You're pretty'
1: Age
2: Shoe size
35/36 or 3 ( i know my feet is freaking small..>_< )
3: Do you smoke?
Nope. (:
4: Do you drink?
Yeap :D
5: Do you take drugs?
Never will.
6: Age you get mistaken for
Either 13 or 16.I guess because i look kinda kiddish..>_<
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
I used to,but it's painful so I changed my mind.
9: Got any piercings?
Yup! 5 in total. 3 on my left ear, 2 on my right ear ^-^
10: Want any piercings?
Maybe, on my belly button hahahh. Only if my tummy is flat..>_<
11: Best friend?
Boyf♥ and Nicolette.
12: Relationship status
Proud to be in a relationship with my boy (;
13: Biggest turn ons
When he's cuddling me heehee.
14: Biggest turn offs
Baggy & ungly t-shirt, unkempt.
15: Favourite movie
16: I’ll love you if...
you love me back (:
17: Someone you miss
Boyf, always♥
18: Most traumatic experience
Had high fever up to 40 Celsius degree due to tonsillitis which made me had to rush to the hospital in the middle of the night then staying back with 5 bags of drips on my left hand while my right hand & arm is being poked to get blood for blood test. >_<
19: A fact about your personality
I'm crazy if you know me. ^-^ hees~
20: What I hate most about myself
Having low self-esteem. :/ but i believe that i will improve ^-^
21: What I love most about myself
I'm kind, & loving to people & wants to befriend with them because i know how it feels like to be lonely.
22: What I want to be when I get older
Boss of my hotel / Hotel Manager.
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
Good. ^-^ I love my brother♥
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
Okay. (: I love them no matter what.♥
25: My idea of a perfect date
As long as i'm with the one i'm dating now. hees~ (;
26: My biggest pet peeves
Unkempt, ill-mannered, people who cheats (feelings), liars.
27: A description of the
Everything in the guy that i'm dating now♥ He's just the one that i dreamed of.
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
Love freebies, liar, thinks that he is the most good looking boy in the world but actually he's not, live on you.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
I don't really lie.
30: What I hate the most about
Having to listen to the same lecture for the 3rd time & taking the same exam for the 5th times.
31: What my last text message says
LOL okay! You give me money..I no money..HAHA. Good night! ♥ (texting my bro)
32: What words upset me the most
'Never mind'
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
'You're pretty'
'You've got blue eye (as in eyeball)'
'You're such a good girl'
34: What I find attractive in women
Their curvy figure..woooooo~ LOL
35: What I find attractive in men
Their personalities / characteristics.
36: Where I would like to live
In tampanies with boyf.♥
37: One of my insecurities
The way i look. But i'm learning to accept myself & love myself more so baby can love me more too ^-^
38: My childhood career choice
CID, Lawer, LOL that was unrealistic thou.. hahahh.
39: My favourite ice cream flavour
40: Who I wish I could be
A princess maybe? haha
41: Where I want to be right now
With boyf♥
42: The last thing I ate
Porridge ^-^
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
Hyuna. Gosh love her body, her cuteness..LOL!! ( Got addicted by boyf )
44: A random fact about anything
Friday, January 18, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Impromptu meeting with the bestest buddy..^-^
Yes i call my girlfriend buddy! Cos we're like "boys" together..haha!!
But in a feminine way ^-^
we're NOT always rough okkay!! hahaha!! :3
so, had our dinner at pasta mania cos i wanna try how good is their aglio oilo..
as baby told me that their aglio oilo is the best..HAHA
i ordered the Basil Chicken aglio oilo which is highly recomanded by the chef as stated on the menu..
the food came, tried, tested..the food is okay actually..-_- LOL
but overall, the pasta is nice ^-^ heh
after eating, chatted with samantha as always~
haha!! forever no ending when talking with my girlfriends..haha!!
before heading home, samantha treat me gongcha..^-^
hees~ so touched..
thats all for today!
cant wait to meet her for lunch or dinner soon!! :3 hees~
so, had our dinner at pasta mania cos i wanna try how good is their aglio oilo..
as baby told me that their aglio oilo is the best..HAHA
i ordered the Basil Chicken aglio oilo which is highly recomanded by the chef as stated on the menu..
the food came, tried, tested..the food is okay actually..-_- LOL
but overall, the pasta is nice ^-^ heh
after eating, chatted with samantha as always~
haha!! forever no ending when talking with my girlfriends..haha!!
before heading home, samantha treat me gongcha..^-^
hees~ so touched..
thats all for today!
cant wait to meet her for lunch or dinner soon!! :3 hees~
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
307 days~ ❤
today's the 16th & it's our 10th monthsary & counting~ ^-^
time really flies..
still remember when i first met him..
First time going to his house & meet his family members~ ^-^
First hug from him,
First kiss from him,
First pamper from him..
i just feel so blessed!
& definitely the happiest girl in the world..
He's so understanding & encouraging & supportive & he's always there for me..
good times & bad..
& i'm really thankful for what i have now ^-^
am really touched & grateful to have him :')
time really flies..
still remember when i first met him..
First time going to his house & meet his family members~ ^-^
First hug from him,
First kiss from him,
First pamper from him..
i just feel so blessed!
& definitely the happiest girl in the world..
He's so understanding & encouraging & supportive & he's always there for me..
good times & bad..
& i'm really thankful for what i have now ^-^
am really touched & grateful to have him :')
saw him for the very first time~ *kinda shy* |
Love my baby so so much~ ❤ |
When we just started~ |
Now~ ❤ |
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
went to class early today! WOOHOOO~
LOL cos i'm always late..-_- my super bad habit that can never change..hahah >_<
reached school at 3.00pm..
so i decided to chill at the "chilling" area until 3.20pm..
when i went up to the class, there's a note on the door saying "Marketing in Travel, Tourism & Hospitality class at 3.30 pm is cancelled"..
straight away, i was like :
Are you kidding me~ >_<
LOL cos i'm always late..-_- my super bad habit that can never change..hahah >_<
reached school at 3.00pm..
so i decided to chill at the "chilling" area until 3.20pm..
when i went up to the class, there's a note on the door saying "Marketing in Travel, Tourism & Hospitality class at 3.30 pm is cancelled"..
straight away, i was like :
(taken from shelbiethecomicnerd ) |
(taken from thelibraryisnowopen ) |
(taken from nicelydoesitnathan) |
(taken from vanellope-the-glitch ) |
Monday, January 14, 2013
( All photos taken from tumblr )
MONDAY : morning~
(taken from killerwithacolourkite ) |
( taken from zexion-ienzo ) |
even when i eat, i eat like this..
( taken from kipon ) |
( taken from freedomawaitsme ) |
( taken from whatshouldmyroomiescallme ) |
( taken from hellomymoodis ) |
( taken from jelenaismything ) |
( taken from harakirithetz ) |
( taken from sohyun )
( taken from leftphalange ) |
( taken from leonorvazalves ) |
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Sing Sang Sung~
She reminds me of how great life can be by appreciating every single things in life..
Every little things are happiness..^-^
went out with xiaomei today!
so excited..:3
Every little things are happiness..^-^
went out with xiaomei today!
so excited..:3
it have been like sooooooo long and i finally get to meet her!! :3
so, met her at 2pm for kbox-ing..like finally!!! i get to hang out with her!! haha
celebrated belated birthday with me ^-^
such a sweet girl..hahaha
i'm so glad & thankful to have her with me through my worst & best times..:')
we've known each other for 10 years & counting!! :3
love her loads!!! :B
celebrated belated birthday with me ^-^
such a sweet girl..hahaha
i'm so glad & thankful to have her with me through my worst & best times..:')
we've known each other for 10 years & counting!! :3
love her loads!!! :B
present from xiaomei! love it loads~ |

Sunday, January 06, 2013
( taken from ashgifs ) |
I'm 22~ |
i can't believe i'm 22!!! ahhhhhhh~
so this song came to my mind..
22 by taylor swift..haha!!
had a great time spent with love~
thou i have no cake or candle to blow..
cos baby's nephew have the same birthday as mine..
baby & i went to buy a cake for his nephew but i thought that his nephew & i would blow the candle together but its not the case..
was taking care of the boyf little niece in the room..
then hearing the people outside singing birthday song, blowing the cake & eating it made me feel kinda sad inside cos it was my birthday too~
anyways, i'm already 22..so no big deal..
he's just a kid so why fight with him over a small matter..
but i'm really glad & thankful that baby tried to bring me out, buy me gifts & make me happy..
i appreciate him and i really did enjoy my time with baby~ ^-^
but i'm really glad & thankful that baby tried to bring me out, buy me gifts & make me happy..
i appreciate him and i really did enjoy my time with baby~ ^-^
so yup..went back home, thought dad would buy me a slice of cake & blowing of candle like he used to but to my disappointment, he didn't..>_<
stay calm but cried silently when i'm in my room..hmmm
baby called & he feel so guilty about it that he overlooked this point & he didnt know that blowing candle is so important to me..
but i dont mind anyways..cos i get to spend time with the one i love & i received many presents & ang baos ^-^ hees~
all is well ^-^
so, i'm going to blow candles with baby on his birthday! :3 hahahaha~
prawning with baby, his sister & her boyf~ |
beer! haha |
surprise by samantha ^-^ |
dim sum with daddy, bro, aunty, niece & boyf~ |
so glad to have him~ muahhhhh!!! haha |
camwhoring with baby!! HAHAHA |
baby's little niece..haha!! she's such a cutie pie like boyf..hahaha |
hees~ forget about the cake.. he's my cake ^-^ |
L.O.V.E~ |
Feel pampered & loved by him~ |
& i LOVE him too!! :D |
my birthday treats from baby~ ❤ |
birthday presents by my love ones~ ❤❤ |
having him around, it does not matter anymore if i have a cake/candle or not..❤ |
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