yea i'm sick >_<
worst nightmare EVER!!! T^T
had super high fever, sore throat, runny nose..argh!!
the fever doesnt go away as it's caused by my "throat infection"..
i've got acute tonsillitis..
What is tonsillitis?
Acute tonsillitis is a very common disease, most likely in autumn when the onset of climate change, often due to the cold caused.
Acute tonsillitis, mostly in congestive colds, influenza or Para influenza virus caused. Inflammatory disease and its only superficial mucosal invasion and tonsil tissue, systemic and local symptoms were mild, with fever often less than, within the congestion and swelling of the tonsils, but the surface without purulent discharge; often accompanied by nasal cavity and throat mucous membrane inflammation, and is therefore difficult to distinguish acute upper respiratory tract infection.
Acute tonsillitis as a sudden onset, patients with general malaise, chills, fever, and body temperature can reach 38 ℃ - 40 ℃, 40 ℃ or above, headache, back pain and limb pain, and often accompanied by constipation and loss of appetite. Infants and young children may have diarrhea, convulsions occur when the temperature is too high. Dry throat while conscious patients, pain, increased swallowing, eating and speech difficulties are feeling, and often feel the throat with phlegm and difficult expectoration. Because of the gloss pharyngeal nerve reflex, earache may occur.
This is how it looks like..
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(photo taken from : |
So the moment baby's mum knew that i was sick, she asked me to go over her house immediately so that she could look after me..:') *touched*
at night, the fever is kinda bad..
took my temperature and it showed 40.2℃..
quickly took off to Singapore Changi Hospital..
didnt even bother to change my pajamas..LOL >_<
too sick to change..:(
the doctor put me on drips to lower my temperature..
it was 2 bags at first & i thought "thank GOD, only 2 bags & i can go home"
but...i was wrong..>_<
the nurse came & took my blood pressure, it was low..:(
so gave me another bag of drips..
then after an hour, took my pressure again,
again, blood pressure is low T-T
and gave me another 2, i was on 5 bags of drips..T^T
i want to cry so damn bad..>_<
i freaking swear my poor hands hurt & halfway through,
the doctor took my blood for a blood test too to see if my throat have a serious infection or not..
and yup! my arm!!! freaking hurt T^T
i know this is just a small matter compared to those who are fighting cancer & they have tube & needles all over, but it really do hurt..>_<
really thank boyfee's parents especially his mum as she is there for me, holding me making sure that i was not feeling so scared thou i am death..:/
yea..i'm terrified of needles & blood..>_<
anyways, stayed in the hospital for 4 long hours & boyfee's parents got to go to work at 6am in the morning..
went home at 3am & can tell that boyfee's parents are tired..:/
feeling guilty max..but i'm really thankful for them being there for me..:')
really greatful to have them..
oh oh!! &&& i'm so so glad that my blood test is okay..
no illness, no bad infection..everything's fine ^-^
poor hand being plastered after the pokings >_< |
the bruises..:'( |
as whenever i looked at the bruises on my hand,
i'd feel like crying inside & it also brought me back to today,
in the hospital, the poking of needles, the drips, the blood test..>_<
i dont wanna know..
but, i know i've grown stronger inside..
All are well..
thou i'm been trumatized,
but i'm glad that i'm healthy again..^-^
weeeeee ت