"i love my 亲爱的。。♥"
meet ting ting in the morning to give her last min POA revision..
her exam is at 3.45pm so i meet her in the mac @ 10.30am..
ard 11 plus am, bought nuggets meal as brunch..
then ard 12pm they changed to the lunch promotion..
i was like wth!!! cheated my feelings..LOL..
seriously luh..
i bought the meal at $7.05 then the lunch meal is $4.50..
i can save alot!!! *argh*
so stupid of me..
oh wells..
learnt a lesson..hahas..
next tym i'll wait till 12pm then buy..haha!!
then hanged ard at the mall..
went to popular to buy some stuff..:D
bus-ed home..
stayed at home whole day..
then went back to clementi mall to buy groceries..
realised theres no more food in the refrigerator..>_<
after much shopping in the market, its time to go home & i'm hungry..>_<
like super hungry..
at night msn-ed bf..
having dinner with his family this Sunday..
&& its his family asked me if i want to come along..^-^
super eggcited can..:D
but many not to dos from bf..
felt super sad..
i'm being me & he's telling me no to this not to that..
i understand that why he's being like that cos he knows his family best..
so i'll just follow & do whatever he says lorr..
i dont want to have a bad impression to his family too..
so yea..
thou its not me..
but i still have to be me right?
cos i dont want to be someone whom i'm not & i also dont want to pretend to be someone that i'm not..so either they accept me or what luh..
cried when bf told me not to this not to that blah blah..
felt super emotional..
emotions are running wild inside me..
i hate picky guys & there..my bf is one..
he's not only picky but fussy too..-_-
"buay tahan.."
simply, my bf has all the character that i hate..
i even wondered to myself that have i made the wrong decision by choosing him..?
but but he's sweet enough to be understandable & are willing to change his habit just for me..*touched* :')
no guy tries so hard to keep me..like never..not even once..
but no matter what negative thoughts i had, i'll always love him & only him..
idk why but i just have this feeling inside me tat tells me he's meant for me but the other side just cant stop suspecting that i've made the wrong choice..
so......in this case.."action speaks louder than words" must come in..
so am waiting for him to change for the better & i'll always be there to support him even if he dont..:))
so yeap..